Financial Therapy for Couples

couple holding hands at table with coffee financial therapy couples Latalia White Colorado

Do you and your partner argue about whether to save, spend, invest, or pay off debt? Worried about the financial impact of big life transitions? On different pages about what your financial goals are?

I can help! Financial therapy for couples provides counseling around financial matters and relationship issues impacted by money and class.

You can get on the same page about money.

I help couples who are struggling to reconcile different financial backgrounds and attitudes. Maybe one of you is a saver and the other is a spender. You struggle to compromise when it comes to budgeting or investing. You have different levels of risk tolerance. You cannot seem to come to an agreement around how to support your kids or your other family members. Maybe it is always an argument to navigate major life transitions that impact your financial state, such as figuring out childcare arrangements or deciding whether one of you can go back to school or pursue a new career.

Maybe one of you comes from a lower sociocultural background and the other comes from financial stability, if not wealth. You may not fully understand where each other is coming from when it comes to financial behaviors and attitudes. You have trouble relating to each other’s family members. You each feel uncomfortable in unfamiliar environments. You have each seen people managing money in wildly different ways, and now the two of you have your own finances to work out from these different starting points.

couple sitting at table celebrating financial wins therapy Colorado Latalia White

I can help you and your partner by folding money-specific questions, exercises, and interventions into couples therapy concepts and tools.

I can help you understand each other better by facilitating conversations around each of your family backgrounds and tracing the development of your beliefs and values from these beginnings. We will use how you connect to other people in your life as another way to examine how you relate to money. Through these deeper understandings, I will help you each feel more comfortable and confident in navigating financial behaviors. You will deepen your communication and connection skills with each other through our conversations around money. Not only will you both feel more safety and security in your relationship to money, you will feel more safety and security in your romantic connection to each other.