man sitting in therapy office Latalia White Colorado infidelity therapist

Infidelity Therapy for Unfaithful Men

Compassionate, nonjudgmental individual therapy for men who have stepped out, whether your partner knows or not.

If the infidelity is a secret, you may have no idea what to do. You cannot tell anyone, but you think you might have a heart attack from the stress of keeping this secret. You do not want to hurt your spouse, yet you cannot imagine living without your affair partner and the intoxication you feel in this person's presence. You lie, and you feel like a piece of shit, but you also have no idea how to figure out what to do and find your way out of this mess. You are in over your head, and you have no one you can turn to in your real life.

If your partner does know, you may be both reeling from your partner’s reaction to your cheating and trying to sort out your own mess of feelings. You may be feeling confused about what you really want from your primary partner and if you want to stay in the relationship. You may have had the realization that you do want to repair your primary relationship, but you are terrified that your partner is going to leave you if you tell the whole truth. You may feel helpless in knowing what to do next.

You don’t have to figure this out by yourself. I’m here.

Regardless of whether your partner knows or not, you likely have felt confused, stressed, overwhelmed, or ashamed. If people in your life know the position you are in, you may not be getting much sympathy from them - or you are getting personal support from your loved ones without the kind of honest look into yourself that you need to figure this out. In our sessions, you will feel empathy from me and be able to get out all of your thoughts and feelings about your affair, with no one else to ever know.

I help unfaithful men like you who are ambivalent about which relationship to commit to so that you do not waste years torn between your primary partner, your affair partner, and your own mysterious needs. I do this by helping you identify and understand these needs in relationships and by teaching you how conflict avoidance can drive infidelity. With me, you have a confidential space to finally let it out. I will not judge you. I will hold your secrets. We will discover why you are cheating and what it means. We will talk about what the cheating did for you and what it took away from you. Then, we will use this information to help you decide who you want to be with and what you want to do moving forward. I can help you see a way out of your mess.

Take the next step towards the life and the love you want by getting in touch with someone who will really listen to you, understand you, and see you as more than your infidelity. We can do this together, one step at a time.